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“Entrance” or “Entrants”


entrance / entrants are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


entrance: (noun) something that provides access (to get in or get out). (noun) a movement into or inward. (noun) the act of entering. (verb) put into a trance.

entrants: (noun) a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise. (noun) someone who enters. (noun) one who enters a competition.


entrance: EH·n·t·r·ah·n·s

entrants: EH·n·t·r·ah·n·t·s


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Examples in Context

Examples of “entrance”

  • had a tall for the entrance and exit for carriage wheels
  • to the one above the entrance of Absalon Church on Sønder
  • Kiel and control of the entrance to the Baltic) by Prussia.
  • 2013 was featured at the entrance of the MoMA exhibition "Soundings:
  • windows that flanked the main entrance were replaced by niches with
  • Across the entrance to Manila Bay are several
  • Entrance to the parking lot is
  • anchorage just inside the northern entrance and Sangley Point is the
  • Rococo-style Cartouche above the main entrance and the Neclassical attica was
  • They emerge at the entrance of an American refugee camp.

Examples of “entrants”

  • additional cost of $40 entry, entrants received exclusive training missions, a
  • Category:Belgian Eurovision Song Contest entrants
  • For £26,495 (2019 price), entrants get a modified Roadsport kit
  • Category:Eurovision Song Contest entrants of 2018
  • race missions remained available to entrants to run again, but runs
  • Category:Eurovision Song Contest entrants of 1966
  • Other Entrants
  • Category:British Eurovision Song Contest entrants
  • is the official governmental exam entrants take to get into universities
  • Singles entrants

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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