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“Elicit” or “Illicit”


elicit / illicit are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


elicit: (verb) derive by reason.

illicit: (adjective) contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention.


elicit: ih·l·IH·s·ih·t

illicit: ih·l·IH·s·ah·t


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Examples in Context

Examples of “elicit”

  • guidance to teachers is to elicit students' ideas as part of
  • MRI is usually performed to elicit whether there is a structural
  • To better elicit a more emotional response with
  • field examination, the physician may elicit an enlarged blind spot; the

Examples of “illicit”

  • punishing political offenders, political henchmen, illicit fortune amassers and high-ranking officials
  • Illicit drugs:
  • The Illicit Happiness of Other People
  • The Illicit Happiness of Other People is
  • cocaine shipments; minor producer of illicit opium poppy and cannabis for
  • organizations (see also North Korea's illicit activities)Jongro street gang
  • debate over the use of illicit drugs.
  • it the right to seize illicit editions and bar the publication
  • The team also receives some illicit behind-the-scenes help from black county
  • in NSW by providing lucrative illicit criminal distribution networks for the

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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