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“Earn” or “Erne” or “Urn”


earn / erne / urn are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


earn: (verb) acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions.

erne: NA

urn: (noun) a large vase that usually has a pedestal or feet. (noun) a large pot for making coffee or tea.


earn: ER·n

erne: ER·n

urn: ER·n


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Examples in Context

Examples of “earn”

  • To earn extra income Hilliard worked part-time
  • her religious ballad sheets to earn her living.
  • to 10, a student must earn 4 units of credit.
  • scored with his head to earn his side a point against
  • first high school program to earn accreditation from the American Mountain
  • To graduate, students must earn 19 academic credits, including a
  • win the game 91–63 to earn a spot in the gold-medal
  • time are often required to earn approximately 140-150 credits to receive
  • and the only horse to earn a million dollars in Puerto
  • other states, others join to earn some money before moving onto

Examples of “erne”

  • a canal to connect Lough Erne with Lough Neagh.

Examples of “urn”

  • holds her husband Alfred's cinerary urn.
  • invented the afrinagan (the metal urn in which a sacred fire
  • a free "Oedipus Rex ashes urn" as a promotional offer after
  • the body lays in an urn and the site still reads
  • use of a metal vase-like urn to transport fire.
  • 1819–1863 are more neoclassical, with urn and willow motifs including not
  • seems to be a funerary urn, with only ashes inside it.
  • to be cremated, but no urn was prepared for him and
  • poem, "Ode on a Grecian Urn".
  • were placed into a ceramic urn in front of an altar.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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