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“Curd” or “Kurd”


curd / kurd are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


curd: (noun) a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd. (noun) coagulated milk; used to make cheese.

kurd: (noun) a member of a largely pastoral Islamic people who live in Kurdistan; the largest ethnic group without their own state.


curd: k·ER·d

kurd: k·ER·d


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Examples in Context

Examples of “curd”

  • often called varškės spurgos - curd doughnuts.Šakotis (also called raguotis) -
  • Food historians estimate that the curd cheese was known for 4-6
  • that the Lithuanian version uses curd as a basis.
  • important role in Lithuanian cuisine; curd cheese (similar to cottage cheese)
  • Tofu (豆腐): Soybean curd
  • Lithuanian curd snacks called sūreliai are popular
  • Traditional Lithuanian curd cheese has a Protected Geographical
  • This is called "washing the curd", and creates a sweeter cheese,
  • crepes filled with minced meat, curd with cinnamon, or minced sauteed

Examples of “kurd”

  • as Aitzaz Ahsan, Ali Ahmad Kurd, and Raza Rabbani, were the

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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