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“Craft” or “Kraft”


craft / kraft are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


craft: (noun) a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space. (noun) people who perform a particular kind of skilled work. (noun) skill in an occupation or trade. (noun) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception. (verb) make by hand and with much skill.

kraft: (noun) strong wrapping paper made from pulp processed with a sulfur solution.


craft: k·r·AE·f·t

kraft: k·r·AE·f·t


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Examples in Context

Examples of “craft”

  • half of the seven landing craft were destroyed by PT-128 and
  • ship and fly his fighter craft.
  • services to the Art and Craft of Enamelling.
  • C24 or P24), 1968 Patrol Craft Fast that was transferred to
  • by piloting his morphing fighter craft named the Aggressor.
  • the 79th with the Sugino Craft Raiding Unit, and a drive
  • gameplay during the Sub-light Strike Craft sections.
  • instructing senior citizens on the craft of Improvisation.
  • A fixed-wing aircraft, or airplane, is a heavier-than-air
  • and concentrating more on song craft.

Examples of “kraft”

  • Kraft became a member of the
  • in 1920, was purchased by Kraft Jacobs Suchard in 1993.
  • 1960s, including small roles on Kraft Television Theatre and The Patty
  • Both father Antonin Kraft and his son Nikolaus were
  • or sometimes Mardeau) and Antonin Kraft.
  • a cello concerto by Antonín Kraft.
  • Anschutz, Lamar Hunt, and Robert Kraft).
  • M. Balthasar and M. Kraft, "A stochastic approach to calculate
  • Cello Concerto was attributed to Kraft for almost a century.
  • of the Jacob/Suchard companies into Kraft in 1990.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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