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“Cavalryman” or “Cavalrymen”


cavalryman / cavalrymen are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


cavalryman: (noun) a soldier in a motorized army unit. (noun) a soldier mounted on horseback.

cavalrymen: (noun) a soldier in a motorized army unit. (noun) a soldier mounted on horseback.


cavalryman: NA

cavalrymen: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “cavalryman”

  • de Paris - (3) - Cavalryman (2009), Meandre (2011), Flintshire (2013)
  • in 122 BC), a Roman cavalryman is depicted wearing it with
  • was attacked by a Confederate cavalryman and sustained a head wound

Examples of “cavalrymen”

  • Many of the Prussian cavalrymen were Landwehr - second class
  • one of Alexander the Great's cavalrymen.
  • reservation heading north, and 40 Cavalrymen from H Troop under LT
  • a drunken row among 6th cavalrymen in Hays, Kansas resulted in
  • revolted and turned on the cavalrymen and in the fierce fight
  • end of the day, the cavalrymen suffered 36 casualties including a
  • of the 4th AD, the cavalrymen allowed that division to reach
  • Then cavalrymen then remounted themselves with confiscated
  • of rough riding took the cavalrymen on wild chases throughout the
  • sarcophagus and Alexander mosaic show cavalrymen of the Ancient Macedonian army

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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