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“Capital” or “Capitol”


capital / capitol are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


capital: (noun) assets available for use in the production of further assets. (noun) wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value. (noun) a seat of government. (noun) one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis. (noun) a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product. (noun) the federal government of the United States. (noun) the upper part of a column that supports the entablature. (adjective) first-rate. (adjective) of primary importance. (adjective) uppercase.

capitol: (noun) a building occupied by a state legislature. (noun) the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet.


capital: k·AE·p·ah·t·ah·l

capitol: k·AE·p·ih·t·ah·l


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Examples in Context

Examples of “capital”

  • a city in and the capital of Tiran and Karvan County,
  • and south of the regional capital Białystok.
  • area of , and its capital city is Jesús María, which
  • middle are punctuation, digits, small capital letters and fixed-width spaces.
  • to a serious study of "Capital" in Marx and to study
  • on the right were for capital letters, and blue keys in
  • and south-west of the regional capital Wrocław.
  • Nasr also moved the provincial capital back to Merv from Balkh,
  • needed an infusion of partner capital.
  • Most of the Capital District's television stations installed their

Examples of “capitol”

  • albums recorded with her for Capitol Records.
  • 22, 1953 and released by Capitol Records as catalog number 2657.
  • It's What I Do, on Capitol Records Nashville.
  • the film was shown on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to
  • By 1989, he left Capitol Records.
  • the recording to be at Capitol Studios in Hollywood.
  • soldiers emerged from under the Capitol steps.
  • star of Ocean Drive Magazine, Capitol File Magazine, and Los Angeles
  • working for Vince McMahon, Sr.'s Capitol Wrestling Corporation.
  • Capitol Hill

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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