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“Canter” or “Cantor”


canter / cantor are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


canter: (noun) a smooth three-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop. (verb) ride at a canter. (verb) go at a canter, of horses. (verb) ride at a cantering pace.

cantor: (noun) the official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos.


canter: k·AE·n·t·er

cantor: k·AE·n·t·er


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Examples in Context

Examples of “canter”

  • Collection IIIB: Cavalry marches in canter (fast pace) (83 marches)
  • Marches at the Trot and Canter (Parademärsche im Trabe und im
  • Manley, Walter W., Brown, E. Canter.
  • has a category 7 Mitsubishi Canter light bushfire tanker which is
  • Jon Canter, television comedy writer
  • Brown, Canter, Jr. Ossian Bingley Hart: Florida's

Examples of “cantor”

  • work as a rabbi and cantor, Blane is a recording artist
  • 1998 he served as the cantor of the First Hebrew Congregation
  • the death of Henry, when cantor Nicholas acknowledged Peter as bishop,
  • Blane is an American rabbi, cantor and recording singer-songwriter.
  • Ties, was directed by Steve Cantor, debuted at the 1994 Sundance
  • Filmmaker Steven Cantor directed two films about Mann's
  • Theoretical mathematicians Georg Cantor in the 19th century and
  • private studies to become a cantor and was accepted into the
  • 1985 << Marty & Robbie Cantor
  • In 1996 he was the cantor of Temple Beth Haverim of

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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