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“Been” or “Bin” or “Bine”


been / bin / bine are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


been: (verb) have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun). (verb) be identical to; be someone or something. (verb) occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere. (verb) happen, occur, take place. (verb) work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function. (verb) spend or use time. (verb) have life, be alive. (verb) to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

bin: (noun) a container; usually has a lid. (noun) the quantity contained in a bin. (verb) store in bins.

bine: NA


been: b·IH·n

bin: b·IH·n

bine: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “been”

  • The line had been built on the course of
  • of the Town had previously been hosted by Brenda Nelson, who
  • Until then, Lithuania had been the last pagan kingdom in
  • of Pete Rose, who had been banned from baseball for life
  • cooperation from some groups has been problematic for the peace process.
  • Rangers were reported to have been killed in Virunga National Park.
  • rookie goalscoring record which had been set by Steve Zakuani in
  • All-for-Ireland League but who had been lost his seat in North
  • The Foundation claims to have been founded in 2006 and that
  • While militias have long been common in the Kivus, particularly

Examples of “bin”

  • drummer Martínez was replaced by Bin Valencia.
  • the 7th-century Muslim commander Khalid bin al-Walid (592–642 AD).
  • Prime Minister: Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani
  • Category:Prince Mohammad bin Salman League players
  • Bin Express - roundabout (4 coupons).
  • Arms Trader and Merchant Mohammed-Ali bin Haidar Marafi.
  • Emir: Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
  • Sheikh Saif Bin Mohamed Bin Butti Al Hamed
  • Domini (Easter II), : Ich bin ein guter Hirt, BWV 85.
  • Bayume Mohamed Husen (born Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed; 22 February 1904

Examples of “bine”

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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