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“Bard” or “Barred”


bard / barred are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


bard: (noun) a lyric poet. (noun) an ornamental caparison for a horse.

barred: (verb) prevent from entering; keep out. (verb) secure with, or as if with, bars. (adjective) marked with stripes or bands.


bard: b·AA·r·d

barred: b·AA·r·d


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Examples in Context

Examples of “bard”

  • Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD).
  • Music and her master's from Bard College's graduate vocal-arts program, where
  • where significant results were obtained (BARD, 20 year external review).
  • recommendations to the Board of BARD.
  • much lower funding level than BARD.
  • Bard, Inc. of New Jersey in
  • The success of BARD led to the establishment of
  • Conde Duque, Madrid 2015 and Bard Graduate Center, New York 2014;
  • BARD is a competitive funding program
  • Truman's personal representative; Ralph A. Bard, Under Secretary of the Navy;

Examples of “barred”

  • The Israeli media was barred from publishing his name.
  • on August 26, 1914 and barred union solicitation on company property,
  • was legally or otherwise objectionably barred from airing on television.
  • the Visigothic Code, Salic law barred women from royal succession.
  • compared to when duopolies were barred under Federal Communications Commission rules
  • He also barred any USAF flights within 11
  • Following the ruling, the company barred the union from soliciting new
  • The application of this rule barred Charles's one-year-old daughter Mary, by
  • Many others have been barred from participation in MLB, but
  • which formalized the exodus and barred the return of the refugees.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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