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“Bailed” or “Baled”


bailed / baled are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


bailed: (verb) release after a security has been paid. (verb) deliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited period. (verb) secure the release of (someone) by providing security. (verb) empty (a vessel) by bailing. (verb) remove (water) from a vessel with a container.

baled: (verb) make into a bale.


bailed: b·EY·l·d

baled: NA


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Examples in Context

Examples of “bailed”

  • slaps a cop and gets bailed out of jail by Ana
  • Palmer ( Paul Moriarty)—who had bailed the restaurant out of debt
  • climbed to 400 ft and bailed out.
  • (Sergeant) Rosa, Dallari and Valla bailed out and Sotto Tenente Querci,
  • at Brightlingsea found themselves being bailed on the condition that they
  • business when his partner Tony bailed out, had hired Cole to
  • by a Fiat G.50 and bailed out — the Italians disappeared
  • Having been bailed out by Wilbur, Seaweed and
  • The crew bailed out and the bomber crashed
  • One of the German pilots bailed out and Pattle watched in

Examples of “baled”

  • Both Kovarík and Ciprian baled out, but the cords of

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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