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“Aurally” or “Orally”


aurally / orally are similar-sounding terms with different meanings (referred to as homophones). To better understand the differences, see below for definitions, pronunciation guides, and example sentences using each term. 👇


aurally: (adverb) with regard to sound or the ear.

orally: (adverb) (of drugs) through the mouth rather than through injection; by_mouth. (adverb) by spoken rather than written means.


aurally: NA

orally: AO·r·ah·l·iy


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Examples in Context

Examples of “aurally”

Examples of “orally”

  • administered a culture of bacteria orally to a pregnant dam, and
  • It is harmless if taken orally because curare compounds are too
  • sultan to address his subjects orally, and also unseemly for those
  • and acts as a selective, orally available antagonist of the prostaglandin
  • internally, for example, intravenously or orally.
  • area, griseofulvin must be taken orally to be effective; this allows
  • some elements 'far older, transmitted orally from unknown antiquity'.
  • suggests that it should be orally bioavailable in humans.
  • rest of the Tipiṭaka, was orally transmitted until the 1st century
  • – stimulating the nipples, usually orally or manually.

(Examples are Wikipedia snippets under the CC ShareAlike 3.0 license. Definitions drawn from WordNet.)

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