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In many situtions, it's helpful to summarize a longer document into a shorter, more easily digestible document.

Request Access

The summarize endpoint is currently limited to select customers. Contact to request access. In your request, please provide your company, business email, a brief description of your use case, and the expected volume of queries.

Use cases include summarizing call transcripts, summarizing meeting notes, simplifying articles, and creating paper abstracts.

Summarization trades off two important factors:

  1. Retaining information from the original source. It's critical that the salient points of the document are kept. In the parlance of summarization systems, this means that the system must offer good coverage.
  2. Reducing the length of the source. A summarization tool is not helpful if it only reduces the length of a document by, say, 20%. The output must be significantly more digestible than the original input.

Note that it is trivial to provide perfect coverage as well as to provide a complete reduction in the length of the document separately, though not at the same time. The trick is to find the sweet spot where the summary is both useful and faithful to the source.

You can test the summarize endpoint here.

Summarize POST

HTTP method: POST

Request Parameters

key: String
32-character API key

text: String
Input document to summarize.

Response Parameters

result: JSON, summarization result. Sample output:

"result": "Alice felt very sleepy. She suddenly saw a White Rabbit running by. She followed the rabbit into a hole."