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Claude vs. Inflection-1

LLM Comparison




Created in part by several of the developers of OpenAI's GPT-3, Claude is Anthropic's LLM trained with its research in developing helpful and safe AI systems.

Claude is Anthropic's flagship LLM and, as of April 2024, the most competitive cloud LLM offering alongside OpenAI's GPT series. Highly capable, Claude was also originally trained using Anthropic's "Constitutional AI" feedback method. Since the initial release, Anthropic has continued to improve the performance and cost of Claude, most notably in March 2024 with the release of the Claude 3 model family: Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus. As of April 2024, Haiku offers the most compelling cost-performance trade-off for non-critical applications, beating even GPT-3.5, while Opus has surpassed GPT-4 on the LMSYS leaderboard.

Initial release: 2023-03-14




Inflection-1 is an LLM introduced by Inflection AI, a startup founded by Reid Hoffman and Mustafa Suleyman. Inflection-1 powers Pi, an AI assistant intended to be a companion chatbot, tracking longer conversations with its users and adapting based on those conversations to each user. On their benchmarks, Inflection-1 outperforms GPT-3.5, LLaMA, Chinchilla, and PaLM-540B.

Initial release: 2023-06-22

Further Reading

Looking for an LLM API/SDK that works out of the box? No prompts or ad hoc guardrails.

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Open Source
License NA NA
Model Sizes Unknown Unknown